Everybody looks forward to having a break over the Christmas holiday period.  Some people go on holidays for a few weeks over this period, locking up their homes, not really thinking of what consequences could be lurking in their home and the possiblities of returning home to a mould contamination mess.  It only takes 24 - 48 hours for toxic mould to escalate on the surfaces and air space of your home, especially when a nutrient (food source) source is present.

Our summer months and especially December/January tend to bring the high humidity and summer storms.

If you have an underlying building issue for example roofing issues with water ingression or subfloor under the home lacking ventilation and drainage then you need to be on mould alert mode before packing and going on holidays.  

Every January we have many families call with a mould outbreak in their home from going away over the Christmas period, this generally occurs as they had a previous underlying building issue that they were unaware of prior to going on holidays.

Knowlege is everything and we beleive the more people who check their homes for mould or potential mould outbreak prior to going on holidays will save them the heartache and thousands of $$$ dollars when returning home from what was to be special families adventures to now a stressfull start to 2016!

To maintain quality air we recommend running a hepa filtered air purifier to clean the air as it passes through the purifier to continue cleaning the indoor air space removing harmful toxins, bacteria, dust & germs from the air, ensuring coming home to a light fresh smelling home and not a heavy damp musty one.



If you suspect you are living with mould then we welcome your call to arrange for a thorough mould inspeciton, locating any hidden source areas.

From our team at Amc Ozone Treatment we wish you a safe & Merry Christmas & a Happy New Year for 2016!















[Published On] Meagan Mckenzie